Computer Science

A Level

Computer Science is a dynamic subject that will see you build important skills in coding and programming whilst bringing together subjects such as maths, engineering and science. This fascinating and academic A Level will see you develop logic, reasoning and analytical thinking skills, as well as your ability to solve complex problems.

Our dedicated Computing experts will prepare you for a future in the industry by helping you to develop your knowledge of a variety of coding languages. You’ll work in our modern computing labs with access to the latest industry standard software, and you will explore how computing works, and how to solve problems by breaking them down into a series of steps.

Specific requirements

You’ll need to meet the entry criteria for your chosen Pathway along with achieving a grade 6 in GCSE Mathematics.

For more information about the pathways, please click here.

Your learning experience

A Level will see you learning about a range of core topics, including:

• Computer systems
• Algorithms and programming
• Programming project

An Enriching Experience

Studying A Level Computer Science at HNC is an enriching experience. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to develop your skills and interests, broadening your horizons and building your cultural capital. These experiences are integral to life at HNC and will help you to stand out from the crowd. Some of the experiences our A Level Computer Science students enjoy include:

• A chance to undertake work experience with local industry leaders
• Visits to relevant local research hubs to deepen your knowledge in the areas that employers are looking for. This year our Computer Science students visited Jodrell Bank
• Undertaking Microsoft Office Specialist qualifications, helping you to stand out from the crowd and gain additional qualifications
• Trips to universities and visiting guest lecturers. Computer Science students this year took part in an AI workshop with the University of Huddersfield

Enlightening Opportunities

We are proud of the unique experiences that are available to our students both inside and outside of the classroom. These will stretch and challenge you to develop the required skills you’ll need to achieve the life-changing qualifications that will lead you to your dream career.

Our modern spacious computing labs provide a great place to learn, and you’ll have plenty of opportunities explore the application of Computer Science in a real-life context in a wide variety of ways, from visits to universities to welcoming Alumni and high-profile guest speakers.

How will you be assessed?

Assessment is via examination and coursework.

Where does it lead?

Due to the skills and knowledge you will develop, A Level Computer Science students pursue a wide and varied range of career paths, from Computer Science and IT to Engineering. With the speed that technology is developing, an A Level in Computer Science will always be a valued qualification, and our students progress on to a wide range of degree level courses, such as:

• Artificial Intelligence
• Computer Science
• Cyber Security
• Software Engineering
• IT Architect
• Software Development

Perfect pairings

Watch our lesson taster

Good to Know
Developing a programming language is a vital part of this course.
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