Men’s Cricket Academy

Sports Academies

The Cricket Academy was an immediate success at HNC, and has since developed a national reputation for its excellence.  The academy boasts several Yorkshire Academy and promising local league players. We have been on several tours, notably to South Africa, Barbados and London (Lords). 

Coaching is delivered three times a week by ECB Level 3 coaches. Training sessions include speed, agility, quickness development and video analysis.

Students have the opportunity to represent the College against other college and school teams in the North East Region. During the winter months training is indoors in the College’s brand new custom made cricket nets, and indoor competitions are organised within the Sports Barn.

Specific requirements

Academy and Development Programme players are expected to work hard in both the classroom and in training. Good attendance and progression on a player’s chosen study programme is compulsory.

If you would like to be considered for Cricket at Huddersfield New College, please choose this on your application alongside your academic course choices. Selection is by trials, and if you apply you will be invited to trials for your chosen sport.

You must apply for a full programme of study alongside the Cricket Academy.

Do you have any questions?
If there is anything you would still like to know about this course, please don’t hesitate to ask us.
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