Applied Information Technology (IT) students from HNC recently spent the day at the University of Huddersfield, taking part in a university level workshop with the School of Computing and Engineering.

Closely linked to modules studied in the Applied qualification, the workshops delivered by the University focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Encryption, and were designed to further deepen the group’s understanding of new and emerging technologies. Workshop one, ‘AI – Noughts and Crosses’ was an interactive workshop which saw the group programme a game using the coding language Python. The aim of the workshop was to design a game that could beat you – and whatever moves you used to try to outwit your ‘competitor’, it always won! Workshop two, ‘Cyber Security – Brute-force Cryptography Attacks’ focused on encryption, looking specifically at the Caeser method which works in a similar way to the WW2 Enigma machines that were finally cracked at Bletchley Park.

After the workshops, the group attended a Q&A session to find out more about life as a University of Huddersfield student, and the breadth of IT and Computing courses available to study at undergraduate level. Students also enjoyed a tour of the campus to explore the facilities and discover more about the wider university community.

Joe Norton, Teacher of IT comments “October is Cyber Security Month. Cyber Security offers a wide range of job roles and is one of the most popular progression routes for our Applied IT students so it was incredibly useful for the group to find out more about the routes available to them post HNC. The University of Huddersfield provided two incredibly engaging and challenging workshops that will further develop their knowledge of coding, building on the skills learnt in the classroom. It was fascinating to find out more about AI and gain an insight into the work that goes into developing programme such as ChatGPT. This is a new and emerging technology that has inspired our students to consider a career in this exciting field. Thanks to the University of Huddersfield for hosting such a brilliant day and to our students who upheld our College values during the visit”.

You can find out more about our IT courses and how we ensure our students leave with the practical and the theoretical skills to progress to their dream careers at our next Open Event. Click here to find out more.

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