HNC is delighted to reveal that the College will be taking part in World Environment Day, a day that is celebrated globally and that serves as a powerful reminder of our collective duty to care for our environment. On Wednesday 5 June, we will be joining people across the world in highlighting this year’s theme of ‘land restoration, desertification and drought resilience’ through a series of activities and competitions.

As a College, we work throughout the year to minimise our impact on our local area through a variety of green initiatives, from encouraging staff and students to reduce, re-use and recycle, to taking part in national drives such as the Big Plastic Count. Throughout lunchtime on Wednesday 5 June, join our Environment team in the Junction to find out more about our College green initiatives, and discover more about this year’s theme, and what we can do as individuals to safeguard our planet for future generations.

On the day, students will be able to find out more about our new nature habitat, which is being created ahead of the College’s new Environmental Science A Level starting in September. This new habitat needs a name, and we will be asking students to submit suggestions, as well as submitting designs for a bug hotel, for the new area! Students will also be able to collect wildflower seeds to plant, helping to encourage biodiversity across the area by providing a home for pollinators and other insects in your garden, balcony, or windowsill, and will also have the opportunity to take part in a number of nature scavenger hunts using the ‘Seek’ app where you can compare the differences in habitats between HNC and your home area.

We are incredibly lucky that here at HNC we study and work in an area that provides us with open green spaces and plenty of opportunities to enjoy nature. Paul Yates, Head of Faculty Enlighten Science and Maths, comments “As a College, our mission is to support our students to become their best selves so that together we can shape a better future for all.  Students are also encouraged to engage with environmental issues through the HNC Green Group and via the Student Leadership Team, as well as via a wide range of enrichment opportunities throughout the year. World Environment Day is a genuine opportunity to further engage our community in thinking about the impact we all have on our environment, and what we can do as individuals and collectively to live in a way that has a positive impact. I look forward sharing more with students and staff about how we can each play our part in safeguarding our planet for generations to come, and to hearing the name suggestions for our new nature habitat!”

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