HNC Prospectus Entry 2024

16 Pathways and entry criteria Here at HNC you can choose from a number of Pathways – your choice will depend upon your future ambitions. Please note, your predicted grades only form part of our entry criteria and at interview we will carefully review your attendance, behaviour and commitment to your studies. It is important to understand that as a College we are looking for students who commit fully to our vision and values and the process of becoming their best selves. In addition to your predicted grades, we will need to confirm: - Attendance is at a minimum level of 95% - Your behaviour and punctuality is good, with no concerns in terms of your conduct or attitude This is because when you join HNC you are committing to our expectations. You are a young adult with freedoms, and as part of our relationship based on mutual trust, we have high expectations of you. We also have to be confident that you are fit and well enough to engage with the demands of full-time, campus based study. Naturally we understand that from time to time we may receive applications from prospective students who for a variety of reasons do not meet the above expectations. Please be reassured we review such applications on a case by case basis and if you don’t meet our entry criteria in this area, it does not necessarily mean you will not be offered a place. We recommend you read our Admissions Policy for further information. Please click here for further information Top tip Before browsing our courses we recommend that you review which Pathway(s) your predicted grades make you eligible for – your predicted grades will determine the combination of qualifications you can study. Remember, you can opt for any Pathway where your grades meet or exceed the entry criteria. | Educate | Contents