HNC Prospectus Entry 2024

24 XL programme Every student who joins HNC and commits to our values and works hard will achieve their potential. As part of our mission to ensure every young person is supported to take their next step with confidence, we also offer our XL programme. This is designed to support students to successfully apply to the country’s most prestigious universities, including Oxbridge, where they have the academic grade profile to do so. Opportunities include: • A lecture series on a diverse and fascinating range of topics, often completely unrelated to a student’s core study programme. Recent talks have questioned if there’s life beyond Earth, how to fill your heart and the links between acid house music and drug use, amongst a range of others • Specialist support for students interested in highly competitive degrees such as Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Science or if students wish to apply to Oxbridge universities • University visits and taster workshops • An automatic opportunity to undertake the EPQ • Support to secure summer school and high value work placements Good to know There is no application process for XL. Students who meet the specified entry criteria for this will automatically have it added to their study programme upon enrolment. Jamila Siddiqui - National Taekwondo Champion Phoebe Suthers - TeamGB Tennis Deaf Squad Talented Athletes Students who play a sport competitively at a national or international level may be eligible to join our Talented Athletes programme. This is designed to ensure that those with the potential to do so can excel in both their sport and their studies. Elite athletes who are part of this programme receive support to ensure they can combine the demands of competing in their chosen sport with excelling in their studies. This includes supporting students if they are invited to represent their sport on a national or international level. As part of this, we will work with the education team at any relevant organisation to ensure our elite athletes are supported when they are competing. Click here to read more about our TA programme | Educate | Contents